I have a Bsc. in Medialogy from Aalborg University and an Msc. in Game Technology at ITU.
During the day I work as a Software Developer at Laerdal Medical Copenhagen. In the evenings I usually work on hobby projects such as writing/playing music and practicing my game development skills. This is on different platforms such as PICO8, MonoGame and Unity. I do work in all of the areas of game development, drawing, coding and composing.
From my time at Laerdal, Medialogy and Game Technology I’ve been working with others, getting a product out the door together as a team.
I have experience with UX, design, animation, user testing, writing game systems, game engines, procedural content generation, AI and a bit of 3D Modeling.
I am an outgoing person with a jack-of-all-trades attitude, I like having my beer cold, a good cup of coffee and my fingers on the keyboard, writing code.
I do amateur photography and love a good hike or a trip on the water in a kayak. I spend my weekends with my friends, developing, gaming or having a beer at a brew house.
See PROJECTS for a list of some of the projects I have been part of during my spare time and during my time studying Medialogy and Game Technology.
My CV can be found here.