Asymmetric Networked Co-op Game
The last project I was part of on Medialogy / Aalborg University Copenhagen was a two player asymmetric co-op game. The players each had a smartphone which was their view into the game world. During the development and initial test phases we used the accelerometer to move the camera around the game board. The phone worked as a window to a top down view and mvoed when the player moved the phone.
Player one is a security guard whose goal was to evacuate civilians in an airport. The controls was a combination of a button to get them to follow you and through the physical movement of the smartphone. The player also had to find wires for his partner to solve his/her task:
Player two sits in the baggage claim and has to solve a Pipe-Mania like game by adding and rotating the wires the player one transfers to him/her. A spark will slowly move through the wires and if the wires aren’t connected where the sparks move to, the bomb explodes and the game is over.
Prototypes included a world map and a accelerometer-based Ping-Pong game controlled in the same way as the final product. The final test of the game was working with network communication through a server, accelerometer and two different smartphones.
Before the exam we wanted to see if we could map the cameras a bit better through color tracking which made the camera movement more fluid.
Tools used: Unity3D/C#, Maya, MaxMSP for color tracking.

User Controlled 3D Animated Movie
This project was an interactive movie made with Maya and Unity3D. We used color tracking to control the camera and the view projection in a 3D modeled movie made in Maya.
Tools used: Unity3D/C#, Maya, MaxMSP for color tracking.

Zoo Navigator / Quiz
Interactive Flash application to that kids in early school move around a danish ZOO by choosing which animal they want to see. A Diijkstra Implementation let them find their way and when they arrive at the site, the user should read the information boards and then answer a quiz made by the given animal on a tablet.
Tools used: Flash / ActionScript 3

Computer Vision Matador
Trying to recreate the board game ‘Matador’ as an interactive application where the game board is projected to a glass table and a webcam below will read the amount of eyes on dice that the active player got.
Tools used: C++, OpenCV.

Auditory Survival Horror Game
The project was an attempt at making an auditory experience/game where the player was stuck in a house in the woods with a monster approaching from the outside. A glove with sensors let the player pick up items that he/she can only hear by stepping on the items in the game map which was driven by Flash.
The goal was for the player to barricade windows with hammer, nails and planks before the monster would break through them. We tracked the player using color tracking through a webcam mounted in the ceiling.
Tools used: Flash / ActionScript, Max MSP for sounds and color tracking.